A comparison of population structure in black rockfish (Sebastes melan...
Advice on West Coast Rockfish Harvest Rates from Bayesian Meta‐Analysis of Stock−Recruit Relationships
Climate-driven synchrony across tree, bivalve, and rockfish growth-increment chronologies of the northeast Pacific
Competition, Habitat Selection, and the Bathymetric Segregation of Two Rockfish (Sebastes) Species
Population structure of copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) reflects postglacial colonization and contemporary patterns of larval di...
Effects of alkali and acid solubilization on gelation characteristics of rockfish muscle proteins.
Molecular genetic structure suggests limited larval dispersal in grass rockfish, Sebastes rastrelliger
Apparent digestibility coefficients of various feed ingredients for juvenile and grower rockfish ( Sebastes schlegeli )
Dietary microbial phytase increased the phosphorus digestibility in juvenile Korean rockfish Sebastes schlegeli fed diets containing...
Taylor & Francis Online :: Advice on West Coast Rockfish Harvest Rates from Bayesian Meta-Analysis of Stock−Recruit Relationships -...