- He met an old schoolmate at the party.
他在宴会上遇见了一位老同学。 - I recognise my primiary schoolmate Mary in the photo.
我从照片上认出了我小学时的同学玛丽。 - Mary's brother is my schoolmate, but two years senior to my grade.
School Anniversary, Schoolmate and School Soul
Research on the Structure of Schoolmate Relationship Network
Injuries at School : Influence of Schoolmate Interaction
Schoolmate Context in Early Adolescence and the Educational Attainment of African American Males
Family SES and Schoolmate Effects on the Development of Young Students' Academic Achievement
Analysis on the Status and Function of the Schoolmate Resource in the Development of College
Sibling, peer, neighbor, and schoolmate correlations as indicators of the importance of context for adolescent development
Direct and interactive effects of parent, friend and schoolmate drinking on alcohol use trajectories
A Comparison of Social Cognition of Self-Confidence Between the Self and the Closest Schoolmate
“But Others Do It!”: Do Misperceptions of Schoolmate Alcohol and Marijuana Use Predict Subsequent Drug Use Among Young Adolescents?