- Irene asked her doting husband if he would build her a handloom.
艾琳要她的百依百顺的丈夫为她制作一架手摇织布机。 - A doting mother alienates her husband by lavishing too much love on their child.
达婷达婷 Clinical relevance of sentinel lymph nodes outside the axilla in patients with breast cancer
Lymphatic mapping with intralesional tracer administration in breast carcinoma patients
Sentinel node biopsy for melanoma in the head and neck region
Sentinel lymph node identification with technetium-99m-labeled nanocolloid in squamous cell cancer of the vulva.
Clinical relevance of sentinel nodes outside the axilla in breast cancer patients
Is sentinel node biopsy beneficial in melanoma patients? A report on 200 patients with cutaneous melanoma
Identification of the sentinel lymph nodes with 99mTechnetium labeled nanocolloid and blue dye in squamous cell cancer of the vulva
Sentinel node biopsy as a surgical staging method for solid cancers
Sentinel node localisation in breast cancer in two institutions