- John went all out to finish his job and was all in afterwards.
约翰拼命完成他的工作,后来他累坏了。 - I was all in when I got home after the new year party.
Efficacy and safety comparison of liraglutide, glimepiride, and placebo, all in combination with metformin, in type 2 diabetes: the ...
Prosperity for all in the global economy - world class skills: final report [Leitch review]
Prosperity for all in the global economy : world class skills : final report
All in the CCN family: essential matricellular signaling modulators emerge from the bunker
Gene expression informatics--it's all in your mine
Gene expression informatics |[mdash]|it's all in your mine
Prosperity for All in the Global Economy: World Class Skills
Membrane budding and scission by the ESCRT machinery: it's all in the neck
All-in-one target-cell-specific magnetic nanoparticles for simultaneous molecular imaging and siRNA delivery
All in due time: The development of trust in computer-mediated and face-to-face teams.