ancient chinese n. 古代汉语
ancient times古代,上古
ancient city古都
in ancient times在古代
ancient greece古希腊
ancient greek古希腊语
ancient civilization古代文明;远古文化
ancient and modern古今
ancient capital古都
ancient history西洋古代史;家喻户晓的故事
ancient literature古代文学
ancient architecture古代建筑
ancient world远古世纪
ancient chinese literature中国古代文学
ancient relics古代遗物,古迹
ancient coins古钱币
history of ancient china中国古代史
ancient porcelain古瓷
- Changyeh's yellow wine history is glorious, long before the local ancients started to pick the medicine tune.
Ancients against ModernsYour ancients revisited: A history of child development.Into the Minds of Ancients: Advances in Maya Glyph StudiesModerns and ancients: the "new cardiology"in Britain 1880-1930.Ancients, moderns and Americans: the republicanism-liberalism debate revisitedAncients against Moderns: Culture Wars and the Making of a Fin de Siècle by Joan DeJeanAncients and moderns : a study of the rise of the scientific movement in seventeenth-century EnglandThe Aesthetics of Mimesis. Ancients Texts and Modern Problems by S. HalliwellImages of Savages : Ancients Roots of Modern Prejudice in Western Culture / G. Jahoda.Mid Holocene Paleoclimatic Paleoenvironmental Changes in Zhejiang Province and Hemudu Ancients