- Everything concurred to produce the desired effect.
所有的事凑合在一起产生了预期效果。 - His unselfish work is beginning to tell.
他无私的工作开始产生效果。 - The birth of a baby is truly a blessed event.
生个孩子真是喜事。 - He was born to an affluent family.
他生在富裕人家。 - The ewe gave birth to only one lamb.
这母羊只产了一个羊羔。 - What do you call a cow that cannot give milk?
你是如何称呼一头无法产奶的奶牛的? - This book is open to misunderstanding.
这本书容易引起误解。 - The traffic accident led to a chain of events.
Gray Whale - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
The first woman to give birth to two children following transplantation of frozen/thawed ovarian tissue.
Why do Mexican Americans give birth to few low-birth-weight infants?
Staying home to give birth: why women in the United States choose home birth
Pregnant Women with Endemic Pemphigus Foliaceus (Fogo Selvagem) Give Birth to Disease-Free Babies
The mental health of women 6 months after they give birth to an unwanted baby: a longitudinal study
Why some women fail to give birth at health facilities: a qualitative study of women’s perceptions of perinatal care from rural Sou...
The Gaussian lenses give birth to optical vortices in laser beams
Women's choice of positions during labour: return to the past or a modern way to give birth? A cohort study in Italy.
Is it wrong to deliberately conceive or give birth to a child with mental retardation?