- Tranks for my father and mather, they give me anima!
感谢我的爸爸妈妈,他们赋予了我生命! - The sun of autumn warms the alae of the cicada, but not its anima.
Identification of human UDP‐glucuronosyltransferase enzyme(s) responsible for the glucuronidation of 3‐hydroxydesloratadineSedimentary record of anthropogenic and biogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in San Francisco Bay, CaliforniaHistorical trends of metals in the sediments of San Francisco Bay, CaliforniaA record of hydrocarbon input to San Francisco Bay as traced by biomarker profiles in surface sediment and sediment coresSediment chronology in San Francisco Bay, California, defined by Pb-210, Th-234, Cs-137, and Pu-239,Pu-240Sediment chronology in San Francisco Bay, California, defined by 210Pb, 234Th, 137Cs, and 239,240PuIn vitro pharmacodynamics of colistin against multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniaeData Clustering Based on Teaching-Learning-Based OptimizationYau W, Owen RJ, Poudyal A, et al. Colistin hetero-resistance in multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolates from t...Sediment chronology in San Francisco Bay, California, defined by , , , and