An apiculturist's visit to Chile.Provincial Apiculturist Recognized with Award[The extension apiculturist in Florida]. [Italian]Obituaries: W. A. Stephen [Apiculturist, biography, USA].Synthetic pheromones for the practical apiculturistJohn Muir: the bee-pastures of California [Apiculturist][Struggle against the Varroa. Observations of an apiculturist]. [Italian]Obituaries: Herman A. Scullen, 1887-1981 [Entomologist, apiculturist, USA].Chester B. Keck, a biographical sketch [Apiculturist and entomologist, deceased 1979, Hawaiian Entomological Society, Kansas].District queen-rearing apiary (from the experience of the work of V. S. Sliusarenko, the apiculturist of the Suvorovo state farm, St...