- His answer was apposite.
他的回答是得当的。 - According to the appropriate appraisal ,he apportioned them apposite work.
根据恰当的鉴定,他分配给他们适当的工作。 - What he said is apposite to the case.
他所说的是切合实情的。 - This is a very apposite comparison.
Clinical biostatistics. XL. Stochastic significance, consistency, apposite data, and some other remedies for the intellectual pollut...
Method and apparatus for precursively controlling energy during coaptive tissue fusion
Habitat, the Templet for Ecological Strategies?
Social and ecological resilience: are they related?
An internally consistent dataset with uncertainties and correlations: 3. Applications to geobarometry, worked examples and a compute...
Molecular mechanisms that confer antibacterial drug resistance
Visuo-spatial working memory.
Agency costs and innovation
Behavior, purpose and teleology.
Die Stufen des Organischen und der Mensch : Einleitung in die philosophische Anthropologie