
brew enchanted a far cry from humid make fun correspondent journalism partner quality ensure civilized tourism local negative positive soil erosion destruction vegetation deteriorate population density allocation strength era preindustrial fulfill disposable frugal bulb electricity deserve promotion awareness strengthen carbon emission the sword of Damocles tackle wage energy conservation strive to investment reinforce alarmist contradiction principal To be specific get to the bottom of be confronted with havoc power generation double-edged sword alternative nuclear biochemistry devoted psychology applied overpopulation low carbon power station set up discrimination decline functional professional hang on social worker filing stagnate self-fulfillment make a living sympathy family reunion public service nursing home erode prudent lifespan average medical care retirement pension blunt on the increase public concern typical spontaneous the other day tranquil nester impact retire senior citizen shield choking contribute to carpool culprit responsibility expansion economic pollutant chaos block fossil fuel emission private car exhaust under control pressing field muddy precious as long as awful jogging snowboarding bungee jumping extreme sport major in effective security property personal attack disguise disinhibition onlooker feel for leading actor pure feedback review deed get away with turn a deaf ear to gossip imperil cyber manhunt manhunt groundless mortal verbal abuse netizen anonymous self-discipline blossom go hiking registration cyber evaluate way up driving force puberty obsess adolescence anxiety cover-up misbehavior deterrent tie down embolden material maltreatment bully abuse elementary school counselor consult undergraduate in advance drag emerge grow into interpersonal give rise to ideal fierce competition appalling take away laborious cracking course optional compulsory adapt oneself to devotion architecture chemical engineering expectation violence settle solution anxious for hotheaded courageous priority advocate entrance examination have faith in coincide with fundamental grounding solid overcritical cram multiplication documentary bond mental disorder trigger virtual world transmit revolutionary odd curricula capacity selective submit log on junior intercultural archeology admit drop out phenomenon out of date necessity trend omniscient affection genuine slip-up deadly foe abhor fairy tale cater to waver objective firm timid recognition seek for self-repression overrate be dependent on exception conform to potential exploit comfort hardship