
dish listen homework favourite pink paint hammer bookcase work out of down up around through wife photograph into beside water swim bank along off valley hill village another park building jump wait wash cry shave sleep fly aeroplane ship river boat bridge over walk family with shine sun sky cloud day tap drink meal milk cook tooth bone eat basket letter type cat across after grass run who climb tree garden turn off turn on take off put on sharpen read sweep dust wardrobe clothes put air must untidy bedroom trousers wall picture door armchair window near living room in where room of middle cooker left electric refrigerator kitchen Mrs. on the right on the left between next to behind in front of under stereo newspaper bed magazine dressing table floor television cigarette cupboard plate table desk shelf on spoon fork knife tin bottle cup glass box blunt sharp little large full which one give loud quiet cool warm dry wet strong weak soft hard empty slow fast grandmother grandfather shoe long heavy light shut open small big ice cream right sit down mum thirsty boy tired children matter assistant sales rep office hard-working man employee Norwegian Russian tourist Dutch these Danish passport friend girl officer customs orange black yellow grey red brown green carpet case same hat upstairs come dog colour smart lovely blue perhaps her his brother tie sister blouse mother father catch white whose lazy busy young old cold hot clean dirty short tall thin fat see thanks fine well today how hi hello woman goodbye milkman housewife hairdresser mechanic nurse postman air hostess taxi driver