
fill farm export employ electronics direct digital currency cultivate crop corn consume construct compose cattle catch battle agricultural unfriendly toward to and from strict stockbroker stock market songwriter schedule resume requirement reporter reliable recent punctual product pressure personnel patient organize novelist moody model marketing marine biologist manage make a mistake make a decision maintain level-headed journalist iron interview impatient hire hardworking generous forgetful experience excursion employer door-to-door disorganized diaper decision cruise ship critical creative co-worker commute calender break into bookkeeper bilingual attitude assistant artist article architect activity bad-tempered accountant virtual violent unexpected tear down tax star space flight soon railroad ocean liner nowadays multiplex might may litter leader jet instead inherit housing flying first class fine environment donate disadvantage cure construction site consider consequence communication commercial common cold cinema charity automobile audio advantage bored accident Valentine's Day turkey trick thanksgiving surprise streamer speech shrine samba romantic resolution reception picnic occur New Year's Day national Mother's Day marriage luck look forward last Labor Day in honor of honor honeymoon harvest groom get-together get together get married get engaged fruit punch firework firecracker diamond date dancing custom cranberry courtship court chinese new year Children's Day ceremony cemetery bride at least boyfriend april fool's day World Wide Web whiz Web site watercraft Walkman voice mail understand transmit transmission term technophile technology task store set screen scan satellite robotics robot ring recording recharge receive protect press perform percentage mouse monitor letter keyboard invention instruction influence impression highlight hardware hacker geek feed evader escape entertain engineer empty dropout drag and drop download double-click disk drive dial cut and paste criminal check CD-ROM camcorder caller calculator button burglar browse boss bill battery assignment area code answering machine affect turn on turn off turn down trash towel toothbrush throw out tenant take out take off stranger stereo sound