
immortality immortal hell garden of Eden heaven paradise earthly divine celestial bodies celestial the Bible scriptural scripture cassock tonsorial tonsure Moslem Muslim islamism Islam hero-worship worshipful worship heathen heathenish heathenism paganism pagan expiate expiation atonement atone confessor confession confess confessional archpriest archdiocese archbishopric archbishop recluse cloistered reclusive hermitage hermit sybarite austere austerity asceticism campanile stupa pagoda bellman belfry redemptive redemption blasphemous blasphemy blasphemer blaspheme monasticism monastic monastery monk abbot abbess abbey convent school convent nunnery nun cloister crucify crucifixion theocratic theocracy theologian theological theology sermon missionary preachy preacher preach Buddha sakyamuni Buddhist Buddhism synagogue rabbi judaic Judaism parson parochial parishioner parish benediction blessed blessing bless orison prayer prayer book pray churchman pastor priestly priesthood priest clerical cleric clergywoman clergyman clergy cathedral diocese bishopric bishop martyrdom martyr schismatic schism ascetic puritanism puritanical puritan orthodoxy orthodox Protestant catholicism Catholic Roman Catholic Church baptize Baptist Church Baptist baptismal baptism Christian name Christian christening Jesus Christ Christianity altar crucifix choir pew dome the church of England churchyard churchgoer church sanctity holiness holy godson goddaughter godmother godfather godchild godparent God-given godsend godless goddess god reverential reverend reverence revere devout impiety piety pious cult unbeliever devotee believer religiously religious religiosity faith religion remission remit exemption exempt deductible taxability rateable dutiable impost levy publican exciseman tax return revenue invoice receivable receipt amercement forfeiture forfeit fine tax-free tax relief tax break tax-exempt dodger dodge evasive evasion evade tax shelter tax avoidance tax evasion tax dodger tariff stamp duty death duty duty excise income tax value added tax sales tax inheritance tax poll tax tax collector taxman taxpayer taxation corporation tax tax controller controllable control punch planer block and tackle wedge lever pulley rusty rustproof rust lubricity lubrication lubricate lubricant soldering iron