
rivalry opponent rival credence consort consortium appraise appraisal assessment assessable assess incumber impede obstruct hinder smoothly favorable defect shortcoming disadvantage disadvantaged advantageous advantage dominancy dominance dominant illustration example precedential precedent determinant determination determined determine decisive decision-making decision decide due expire invalidate nullify defeasance void executory signatory signature sign authorize ratification ratify disannul retractable retraction retract specific define definite unclear uncertain indefinite vague ambiguous ambiguity voidable revocable remediless irrevocable countermand rescind unsay revoke attorn attornment transference transferor ownership proprietorship regularity regularize regulate regulation modification amendment amendatory amendable amend conditioning condition clausal provision compact contractual contract redraft draftsman drafter draft consultative consultation negotiate negotiation proceeding procedural procedure litigant contractor party bidding document tenderer sleeping partner copartner merchandise merchandising promotional popularizer popularization popularize bidding bidder bid saleroom auctioneer auction sales representative salesperson salesmanship salesman saleable sale advertising advertiser advertisement marketplace market share market research market forces advertise marketing foregift prepayment prepaid capital stake dividend propertied property asset negative equity equity redeemable redeem convertibility conversion convert convertible adequate insufficient suffice sufficiency sufficient deficiency deficient dearth scarcity scarce scanty shortage lacking lack raw material huckster haggle counter-bid counter-offer quoteprice offer commercialize commercialism commercial commerce business studies businessman big business business exporter exportation export importer importation import distributor distributive distributional distribution distribute franchiser franchisee franchise dealership dealing dealer deal multilateral bilateral resale jobber retailer retail wholesale Intermediate Technology intermediate intermediary middleman development underdeveloped developing developed mercenary merchant mercantile customer client agent agency indent order form order book order need demanding require needful demand provider provide supplied supplier supply and demand supply trade surplus trade deficit balance of trade transaction transact trade fair trading free trade trade mastery