
undo bootlace private colonel disapproval moustache headmaster fume shrub evergreen gravel brick depression depress slim suburb post local advertisement advertise interview application above all in existence leave behind act on educate debt owe legacy countryman anniversary creation create self-evident thrill volume publish writer tireless central talent perform constant constantly architecture influence existence superiority superior conserve conservation rotate rotation archaeology archeology idealism evil remark living constitution perpetual custom action resent philosophy criticize critic criticism agreement unquestioning conflict latter preference prefer hesitation hesitate judgment false error nephew rejection reject threat threaten dissatisfy nobleman waiter gardener origin humble on-the-spot canoe capitol committee appointment appoint investigate investigation personal source obtain independence light up ring out make for come to feel like at the sight of spring up be seated track down crawl faint host slam emergence emerge image rupee forfeit commanding tone commotion impulse likely cobra bait widen motion slight slightly contraction contract muscle hostess argument ounce crisis major era mouse outgrow spirited veranda onto rafter marble bare dining room spacious colonial shortly naturalist unexpected set back give off stick up be composed of base upon base on as to name after be known as zilch billion fund proceed scrape skyscraper formation granite type project projection stalagmite smash crash emission emit particle unfit pollution pollute indication indicate belt consolidate consolidated hover hazard original originally oxygen concern program survival survive gas deadly monoxide carbon atmosphere concrete compose reporter conclude conclusion technology press conference conference flying saucer saucer manned feasible feasibility extreme extremely telescope astronomer signal satellite Venusian planet excitement essay humor humorous