
recruit conciliate reconcile rely count appraise reckon recite random qualify mind psychology prospective latitude elevation height altitude enterprising incursive invasive aggressive afford assert affirm wealthy rich affluent indulge addict factor element component ingredient operation lineament outline flank profile pertinent relevant safeguard demand involve entail crack imperfection drawback defect flaw decrease disappear Peter discolor fade visible acquisition device machinery engine mechanism admit acknowledge justify privilege view outlook horizon delicate subtle insidious allergic emotional impressionable susceptible vulnerable emerge take place happen occur Latin boring dull monotonous morality mitigate mediate disposition temper promote enhance battle war campaign delusion deception trick illusion jaundiced biased prejudicial fractional integrant segmental sectional partial horrify frighten intimidate terrify buy shop purchase initiative dead mechanical emergent imperative emit send launch elementary basic choose select elect different clear apparent overt evident obvious distinct accept include hug embrace appreciate digest assimilate late account for trigger bring about underlie holding estate extended standing chronic donation clemency benefaction benevolence charity parallelism similarity analogy add apprehensive presentation statement assertion proposition casualty brink fringe edge principal major chief premier headmost foremost feature ratio equal parallel pseudonymous nameless anonymous redress correct rectify excitement feeling thrill stir sensation channel means way method near approach main fundamental earliest primary in line with meet with correspond depart diverge thriving flourishing prosperous reduce soothe ease relieve glowing import recommend introduce apprehension horror concern worry terror fear dread attain comparison contrast compare news information wit mentality brain intelligence intellectual destined doomed inescapable inevitable conclusive significant important crucial success victory triumph