
offer offend of no avail mastery mass margin manufacture intoxicating intolerant intimidate intimate indeterminate indent indefinite incursion hospitable horrendous hook honourable furnish furious fundamental function expound exposition expose exponent encompass enclose enchant encapsulate dissertate disseminate dissect dissatisfaction courageous countenance count counsel depend deny denounce denote conceit concede conceal compute characterize character chaotic champion beneficial beneath bend arbitration arbitrary aptitude apt advisable advertise adverse belligerent advantageous adroit adorn adore adopt approximate approve appropriate approach challenge certify certificate certainty bellicose belief behave behalf compulsory compulsive compromise comprise corrupt corrosion correspond correlate denominate denial demonstrate demolish disrupt disregard dispute disproportionate enact emulate empirical emphasize explicit expire expertise expense fulminate frustrate frugal frown homogenize homogeneous homely hollow incurable incur incubate increment intimacy interview intervene interval manner manipulate manifest maneuver of late odor odd occur pertinent pertain persuade perspicacity prone prompt promote prominent regulate register regiment regime rival ripe rip shrivel shrink riot shrill shriek stab squirt squeeze squaw swell sweep swear sway trimming trim trigger whip weird weep trifle wedge weary waver warrant warn trick trial trend swarm swallow tremendous sustainable sustain squat squash square spurt shrewd shower shove shorten rigid ridiculous riddle reward refute refusal refund refuge prolong prohibit progress profuse perspective personality personal persistent occupy occasion obtain obstruct manage malice major maintain interrupt interpret interposition interplay incredulous incorrupt incorrigible incorporate hoist hitherto hint hinder frisk frivolity fringe frigid expenditure expel expectorate expectation emotion emit eminence emigrate dispose disposable display disperse delusion delude deliver core cordial delirious cope coordinate compress comprehensive comprehend compound censor celerity celebrate