
welfare vote veto unionization treason tariff senate release radical politics per capita patronage pardon municipal monarchy military metropolitan maneuver legislation institutionalize independent imprisonment immigrant ideology House of Representatives election constitution conspiracy congress colonize breathtaking anarchism American revolution American Civil War amendment accusation subject spiritual physical minority mental majority conformity tribe skull Rock Painting prehistoric paleontology paleolithic Paleolithic Age paleoanthropology Neolithic Neolithic Age mesolithic Iron Age hominid fossil cultural relics clan cave man Bronze Age artifact archaeologist antiquity antique anthropologist ancient civilization ancestor the Statue of Liberty sphinx skyscraper repair person pyramid prototype office building mosque gas station elevator design construct construction cathedral castle cabin beam archives architect aquarium aestheticism modernism realism comparative literature Schools of literature literary studies literary criticism leading character model essay descriptive prose narrative prose editorial autobiography diary prose waltz tango disco dancer choreography choreographer ballerina ballet jazz pop music hillbilly music fanatical movement score note percussion wind string orchestra musical instrument vocal music violinist violin viola verse tune tenor tempo symphony soprano soloist solo scale rock and roll rhythm pitch pianist melody march light music instrumental music horn harp folk music ensemble conductor concerto composer classical music chorus chord cello brass band baton band music aria anthem accordionist accompaniment tripod snap shot photographer photograph panorama out of focus lens high definition foreground focus filter exposure enlarge developing depth of field darkroom background water color still life statue sketch sculpture sculptor reproduction replica portrait perspective pastel original oil painting mural lithograph landscape painting genuine gallery fresco fine arts figurine fake engraving drawing board copy charcoal drawing caricature canvas bust brush theme song studio sound effect setting script review newsreel montage long shot illumination documentary director close-up cast cartoon caption cameraman animated cartoon oxidation carbon dioxide carbohydrate amino acids virus toxin sterilization microorganism inflection fermentation disinfection bacteria walnut vitamin twig trunk stem stalk squash spruce shell sequoia