
indigestible digest MSG toxin photosynthesis metabolism kilocalorie sour bitterness cholesterol vitamin protein amino acid carbohydrate salinity nutrition mineral iron metal ozone aerial distortion satellite ocean floor population density traffic density migration interact pattern technology cause and effect dynamic legend myth density lifestyle two-dimensional aboriginal sandstone erode cliff plateau plain outcrop territory fossil wildlife rainwater drought cave hectare spire monolith desert planet earth surface census dome physical geographical export import fraud embezzlement organization corporate applicant staff employee employer management machinery outdate innovation training interest rates cooperation competition warehouse storehouse manufacturer production product profit advertising campaign marketing distribute wholesale retail chain stock market outlet market share share stock issue takeover strike capital investment outlay overheads ocean current canyon gust leaf evaporate shady inland windy climate change vegetation landscape humidity humid temperature polystyrene crushed manufacture fiberglass filtration plastic toughen drop-off virgin raw material soil conditioner HOUSEHOLD WASTE recycle carbon fossil fuels firewood coal fuel greenhouse gas greenhouse effect emission carbon dioxide landfill incineration industry steam engine engine room grinding shop furnace forge stable cottage quarry water mill water wheel merchant carpenter craftsman inhabitant dweller dwelling dwell Neolithic Stone Age clay pottery pot irrigation animal husbandry husbandry cultivation plough farmland grain barley wheat cereal crop crop herd cattle poultry livestock produce hatch chick flightless wing feather beak zebra crocodile fin tail scale cartilage mane leather hide skin fur hair horn hoof limb skeleton sight vision sense of smell sting flora pollinate barb penguin ostrich koala pouch prey hunter predator hedgehog kangaroo shark dolphin whale lion dinosaur mammal reptile pest mite parasite creature quarantine prohibit habitat refuge sanctuary nature reserve wildlife reserve infest eradicate threaten endangered extinction rear breed descend ancestor gene pool species