Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
chela cenobite chaplain celebrant cantor bonze bishop believer atheist arhat archpriest archdeacon archbishop archangel apostle anchoret anchorite acolyte abbot abbe viaticum venial sin unfrock unction immersion tithing theurgy theonomy theology theism supplication soteriology sign of the cross sermon secularism sect scripture scholasticism salvation sacrament ritual rite revival repentance religion reincarnation redemption purification psalm preterition predestination prayer meeting prayer polytheism pilgrimage penance path pantheism orthopraxis orthodoxy original sin ordination offertory observance oblation nescience mortal sin monotheism monasticism meditation matrimony lustration love feast liturgy literalism litany libertinism libation laying on of hands kenosis isagogic interdenominational invocation insufflation indigenous hymn holy orders heterodoxy hermeneutics heresy henotheism healing hagiology hagiography faith healing fideism faith expiation evensong evangelize exegesis ethics ecumenical dualism dogma ditheism dispensation devotion deism deadly sins creed conversion consecration concordat commandment collegial camp meeting blessing benison benediction belief baptism autocephalous atonement atheism asceticism apotheosis antinomianism anthropomorphism animism agnosticism absolution ablution yahwism yama vishnu supreme being son of god siva shiva Redeemer rama prince of peace paraclete pantheon numen nazarene Messiah maker lamb of god king of kings kami jesu Jehovah indra incorporeal Immanuel holy trinity Holy Ghost good shepherd godhood godhead the first cause elohim anima dominus divinity deva deus demigod deity dea creator brahma almighty adonai zendo zazen yin yantra yang varna vaishnava trimurti tantra stupa satori SAT sankhya samsara samadhi raja prajna om naos moksa moksha maya mantra mandala lingayat lao-tzu lama koan karma yoga hatha Krishna Ganges enlightenment eightfold dhyana dharma dagoba Confucius cit chakra caste bushido Buddha Bodhisattva bodhi bhikshu bhakti atman Devanagari ananda amrita wahhabi ulama sura Shiite shiah sherif Ramadan Quran nabi Muslim mullah mufti muezzin mosque moharram mohammed Mecca maulvi marabout mahomet mahdi Koran