Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
hypotaxis helping verb grammatical grammarian grammar govern gerund genitive future perfect function word first person factitive expletive exclamatory sentence dvandva dual direct object determiner dependent clause demonstrative definite article declension declarative sentence dative dangling participle countable noun copulative copula coordinating conjunction contraction connective construction conjugation conditional concrete noun compound complex sentence complement comparative common gender comma common noun collective noun causative auxiliary verb attributive article apposition apodosis aorist agreement active voice accusative accidence abstract noun ablative ymir yeti wyvern wood nymph Valkyrie urania unicorn undine wisdom verity unwritten unspoken unspeakable unseen unknown unknowable territory uncharted truth tao self-revelation self-realization self-knowledge sagacity quintessence quietude profundity perspective omniscience nobility mercy meaning mastery knowledge integral innominate innate inherent inexplicable ineffable indescribable incomprehensible imponderable illumination humility entelechy empathy attainment vibratory vibes self-actualization regeneration primal pendulum therapy oversoul octave new age mindful magnet lemuria incarnate holistic healer harmonize convergence harmonic hands-on discarnate crystal channeling catalyst bodywork aromatherapy aquarian amulet ambient affirmation visitation transfiguration theosophy sustenance self-purification self-denial self rigor rhythm renunciation rejuvenation regimen reflexology realization quest perseverance panacea one omni- nimbus meridian material keystone indwell hylozoism forgiveness fasting eudemonics embodiment discipline cornerstone contemplation augur astral ashram antinomian anthroposophy anagogic yes tranquility totality splendor serenity selfhood selfdom repose radiance purity presence plenty perfection oneness irradiate fulfilment fervor existential evanescent equilibrium enrapture elevated disembodied deliverance delight consciousness concord awakening attune actualization accord tophet tartarus pit Sheol perdition naraka limbo gehenna down below brimstone bottomless avernus welkin seventh heaven paradise on high new jerusalem land of the leal glory garden of Eden empyrean Elysium Elysian city of god celestial afterworld wheel of fortune vicissitudes ups and downs uncertainty Damocles serendipity retribution predetermination portion Pandora's box odds oblivion misfortune mischance luck lot judgment day inevitable immortality fortune fluke