
couple coupla couping coupe coup de grace coup d'etat coup countywide county town county seat County Government county fair county court county council county counts countrywoman countrywide countrysides countryside countryseat countryroad countrymen countryman countryfied country-and-western country road country of one's residence country music country house country dance country cousin country code country club country countrify countrified countries countless countinghouse counting house counting counties countian countess counterweight counterviolence countervailing countervail countertrend countertrade countertop counterthrust counterterrorist counterterrorism counterterror countertenor countertendency countersunk countersuit countersuggestion countersue countersubject counterstroke counterstain counterspy countersink countersigns countersignature countersign countershaft counters counterrevolution counterreformation counterquestion counterpunch counterpulsation counterproposal counterpropagation counterprogram counterproductive counterpressure counterpose counterpole counterpoised counterpoise counterpoints counterpoint counterplot counterplea counterparts counterpart counterpane counterorder counteroffer counteroffensive countermoves countermovement countermove countermine countermelody countermeasures countermeasure countermands countermanding countermanded countermand counterman counterirritate counterirritant counterion counterintuitive counterintelligence counterinsurgency countering counterfort counterforce counterfoil counterfeits counterfeiting counterfeiter counterfeited counterfeit note counterfeit counterfactual counterexample counterevidence counterespionage countereffect countered counterdrug counterdemonstrator counterdemonstration counterdemand countercyclical countercurrent counterculture countercoup counterclockwise counterclaims counterclaim countercheck countercharges countercharge counterchange counterchallenge counterbore counterblow counterblast counterbalancing counterbalances counterbalanced counterbalance counterattacks counterattacking counterattacked counterattack counterargument counterargue counterappeal counteragent counteracts counteractive counteraction counteracting counteracted counteract counteraccusation counter-terrorism counter-revolutionary counter-revolution counter-proposal counter-productive counter-performance counter-offer counter-measures counter-culture counter-countermeasures counter-clockwise counter-bid counter-attack counter- counter top counter to counter sample counter offer counter measures counter clockwise counter countenancing countenances countenanced countenance counted countdown countable noun countable count-down count upon count up count to ten count to count the cost count out count on count off count of indictment count noun count in count for nothing count for count down count as count among count againt count against count counsels counselors counselor-at-law counselor Counsellors counsellor withthe rank of minister counsellor counselling counselled counseling counseled counsel for the defence counsel councilwoman councilor councilman councillor council tax council house Council for Mutual Economic Aid council chamber council Coumarins coumarin coumaric coumadin coulter coulometer Coulombs coulombic coulomb's law coulomb couloir