
insurance policy relate to payee payer advising bank negotiating bank opening bank L mail transfer Cash on Delivery payment in advance under the circumstance life time berth groundnut metric ton in conformity with see to it that expedite telegraphic transfer taxing chinaware easier agree with be prepared to in consideration of tie up all risks Commercial Invoice certificate of quality Stockholm in favour put through countersign make out come to an agreement understandable inconvenience long-term corrugated paper shock-proof sales confirmation without delay in transit WPA terms and conditions together with snowmobile craftsmanship price list specific enquiry in itself quantity discount exceptionally in view of reconsider trial order come into the market on the high side counter-offer unit price plush firm offer net price do business with oem compared with ISO specialized IC as for radio-controlled as to be suitable for quotation sheet terms of payment sales executive subsidiary company business relationship trade journal business concern enamelware For your reference in the market for Messrs confirmed covering at present not hold a candle to first base nest egg particularity established underprice be pressed for time blurb cross-cultural global village trade barrier have it both ways take the plunge local tax laid-back pass up be exempt from import duty domestic consumption private sector live off welfare state monopolistic buoyant enhanced cheesy bikini arduous genial jumper pix debriefing grandstand teething problems plain sailing reinvent pricey stumbling block ipod see through discernible market-driven diverge mass market brainchild telemarketing inbox spam erratic unoriginal up-market marketer submit to bald eagle exhaust fumes tradable penalise alternatively carbon dioxide in excess landslide core competencies empower value chain buzzword management consultant executive board yes-man tunnel vision control freak people skills make of chaplain corner shop vacuum cleaner laminate flooring racquet in stock marked trading operating income income statement snapshot annual report port of call financial statement retained profit variable cost fixed cost multiplex criss-cross guzzle negative equity consumer spending down-payment consumer confidence across the board ubiquity pop-up banner ad word-of-mouth payment terms deodorant hard-sell added value selling point detour high street depersonalize telephone operator call centre advertising campaign preconceive on one's own initiative canton marital status interpersonal skill life expectancy cubicle coddle paediatrics permanent post ESA charisma devolve stock broker macho insurance premium flak paternalistic saga stockholder programmer kickoff blockbuster go out of business sell off Ltd restful skimmer serene miser tyrannical thematic usurer grimace jocular demoralize feud underbrush apposite vermin scalp battlefield intolerable expanse stunt foretaste fondle ity hoover