
anecdote worthwhile workstation virtual under the auspices of turnkey trade fair timing terms of reference target symposium stand springboard specification scheme scanner sales pitch royalty rhetorical question resistant resemble register promotion promoter pharmaceutical per se pavilion parlour overview outsourcing modification mega measurement logistics linguistic layout launching pad insulation installation incur hangar hanger hands-on fringe frill first come first served fine-tune exhibition exhibit ergonomic end user drawback decor cram commission commercial commerce catalogue briefing bits and pieces binding avant-garde authorise at your earliest convenience alternative allot all-in advisory add-on accompany accessory up to cope with get around inherit utility unique universal donut Belgium let tenant sell up workshop warehouse viable viability venture turnover trial and error transformation template takeover symptom start-up memento souvenir solvent slump shareholder sell out roadmap rental refinement real estate rationale pyjamas purchase property projection profitability productivity procure press release premise pastry partnership overheads overdraft outlet net profit mould mortgage mill merchandise make a profit machinery lose out lease know-how joint venture housecoat hallmark grind franchise forecast flag flagship facility expertise expenditure executive summary entrepreneur upturn downturn do the trick distributor distribution distribute diagnosis diagnose diagnostic counterproductive co-operate consolidate concern component circuit cash flow capitalization capitalisation buy out buy into break even bounce bird's eye view bid appendix annum ailing affiliated absenteeism workload word processing tricky track record tic tactful spreadsheet short-list short list punctuality proficient feminine pertinent numerate intake initiative in lieu of goodwill generalized generalise fringe benefits flair filter earmark diplomatic covering letter correspondence computer literate compatibility commentary collation bookkeeping attire attachment assertive analytical all-rounder achievement accounting