
overpay overheads overhead costs overdraw overdraft facility low-end high-end down market market mark-up net margin literature listing listed company listed liquidator liquidation interview intermittent production interim interest rate interest framework price promotion place product forecast follow-up fob direct cost managing director director direct dimension compete compensation compensate public limited company limited company bonus board of directors blue-collar blue chips black monday amortize ambition amalgamation allocate agent liquid assets intangible assets frozen asset fixed asset current asset purchaser purchase punctuality punctual public sector substantially subsidy subsidiary subscribe running balance of trade trade track record Total Quality Control throughput showroom shift shelf-life shareholder share reduce in the red red recruitment recruit plot plant capacity pipeline pilot pie chart overdraft demand outstanding outsource output margin manufacturing industry manufacturing manufacturer manufacture liquidity liquidate liquid link line process insurance insure installment insolvent input fluctuate floor shop flop float differentiation diet devalue deputy depressing company commodity commitment commission commercialize black list in the black black billboard bill agenda advertising advertisement ad advertise run royalty round trip round public publicity prototype prosperity prospectus motive motivation tie territory bid tender temporary post temporary telesales set up Customer Service after-sales service service settlement recovery recover recoup reconcile recognise picking list pick phase out petty cash personnel outline outgoings retail outlet outlet outlay manual manpower resources manpower manning MIS likely life cycle license liability leverage innovate initial infringe inflation inflate flier flextime flexible flagship fiscal exposure expertise depreciate depot deposit demodulate demand management cold client claim circulate circular sickness benefit fringe benefits benefit benchmark below-the-line advertising adopt administer administrative system administration adjust motivated motivate mortgage monopoly moderately mobility crisis creditor credit rating credit limit letter of credit write-off write off working capital work station work order vocational vocation vision viability tax-deductible taxation taxable settle semi-skilled market segmentation segmentation segment reckon recession receivership accounts receivable perk performance appraisal performance outcome orientation orient matrix management sales ledger