
purchase ledger nominal ledger ledger inefficiency industrial relations industrial action hype human resources Human Resources Department hostile guideline guarantee growth fix up fix fire expense account expense expenditure delivery cycle deficit deferred payments CIF chief checkout chart charge channel challenger chain CEO behavior behave beat bear market adapt actual activity acting acquisition credit control credit asset assess assembly-line assemble buyout bust bulk budget costing cost-effective variable costs running costs fixed costs cost workload work-in-progress working environment working conditions viable venue joint venture venture tax avoidance tax allowance security sector section receiver receipt receive raw material perform pension penetration organization gram organ share option line manager plant manager manager managerial lesser lessee lend legal just-in-time junk mail industrial induction indirect costs holding company holder hit grow group gradually firm finished goods financing exhibit exceed exaggerate defer defective defect catastrophe catalogue case study cash flow batch production batch base acquire acknowledge achieve accrual account executive core time conveyor conversion contribution contribute dynamic due drive dramatic roughly subordinate subcontract structure withdrawal withdraw wind up wholesaler vendor value added tax vat vary upturn upgrade income tax corporation tax capital gains tax seasonal scrap scare raw rationalize ratio quotation quote penetrate peak payroll option optimize opportunity senior management middle management management lease leaflet lead time junk bonds jurisdiction journal retail price index index indemnity hire purchase hire hierarchy hidden gross yield gross profit gross margin gross grievance grapple with financial finance fill eventual evaluate estimate default deduct decrease cash capture capital bargain bar chart bank statement account for accountant accountancy strike prospect proposal promote project profit and loss account operating profit rocket rival risk capital rework reward review wholesale white goods white-collar up to date update unit cost a variety of variety variation tax task force task barrier tariff scale savings rating fixed rate rate questionnaire quarterly quality control take-home pay pay patent operations scheduling operation operate opening make-to-stock make-to-order make lead layout layoff lay-off joint