新概念英语1 - 英语初阶词汇表

新概念英语1 - 英语初阶词汇表
nearly powder window instead garden here pencil shirt crowd Thursday travel conversation poor clean lemonade slowly tramp taxi driver tobacco Athens coat roast interesting must platform yet policeman drive swallow what give very much dad ugly picture enjoy himself housework cloakroom famous sister bean teacher sugar nurse everything cheap set bed excuse hope Rome ship baker behind glue egg soon dust Saturday early engineer some temperature along Friday tired count mild dream mum compact boat cut hi day dentist back flower bedroom tomato cigarette talk white tell today nationality exercise book green Geneva well grandfather rusty bone holiday April tourist morning passport work water pea moment India potato passenger Greece grandmother china a few embarrassed Scotch whisky food earache thief best why Italian tyre exam exciting ticket boss help speak easy postman thing place because girl fly ripe cloud children run worried rise themselves assistant full answer dark through television it get married expensive except father question magazine empty mistake label cook careful these football year town absent piece look note hot pound bar thirsty student soft Spain electric short mother Scotland remember race orange rest vase list surround photograph rubbish banana officer stay October Seoul shut wood polish dairy season get on worry key beer neither can son road armchair parrot stand up cooker warm sorry already in new advice guy sales reps phrase city whose top thanks dry always Canada of course middle-aged sit down five Chinese hate line least Finnish toothache shelf correct future shine chicken writing paper idea man with tie January keyboard floor grass during headache colour