
so think dress blue wrap gift-wrap idea game video video game daughter son gift department department store sale on sale simple brand special necktie try try on large extra Extra large wear size jacket look have a look at store clothing coffee something dessert well-done steak menu way or section smoking table restaurant money change book cheap anything expensive dollar cost pen much how much thing buy problem no problem get up morning call desk front front desk starve drink only closed kitchen food some order service room room service code area area code number station station-to-station person person-to-person California long-distance call distance long long-distance okay afternoon in the afternoon appointment make make an appointment help clinic Dr. call back know moment at the moment out a few hold on wang possible soon as as soon as possible back ask ahead go ahead sure message leave leave a message in bob speak speak to hello conversation telephone snow even sometimes cold very winter autumn fall chilly summer sunny spring cool hometown season there are pity shame what a pity What a shame now right right now rain terrible weather on business New York valentine Friday February date happy birthday my because June Sunday today day fast watch mean late seven quarter on time i see forty train next thirty two time ma'am pilot secretary here same same here sal like would company computer work in coincidence work for how do you do occupation sir call but family name chen family lin Mr. glad girlfriend dad kay this friend introduction five twenty old how old are you please have Japan what about you Hong Kong from where nationality age name pleased nice to meet you oh pardon beg I beg your pardon you are welcome welcome thank thank you who sorry I'm sorry no ann excuse excuse me courtesy too care take take care later see you later OK doing