新加坡AEIS考试Vocabulary Primary1-Sec1词汇表

新加坡AEIS考试Vocabulary Primary1-Sec1词汇表
bluish ewe eerie direct diligent difficult die diagram dew crematorium detail destroy design description describe depend depart demand biggest bright red deliver delete delay declare in good time decision decide decade death data cry wolf rower cooker cyclone curator dairy daily cycle wildfire imperfect autograph crimson crafty contestant sting cross tepee waste time Gypsy sorcerer beeline temporarily clog choosy operation wheeled passer by browse bizarre bellow bail statement olden raspberry impolite phrasal supernatural stilt spinning shocking arrogant futuristic carried out shiny seasonal sculptor ambush agile grave cruelly jill puzzling acrostic electric fan behaviour skilful shorts savage time flies drive off crescent mosaic maker splash khaki state of mind magical lyricist irresponsible imaginative holder hind galaxy white meat touch down lighthouse intruder erase encyclopaedia doorway diver disc crosse phrasal verb graphics carefully puller paid insensitive clang ransack briefly bride wildlife glide flowing flooring dependable cowboy viewer unsuccessful unhealthy trainer safari park tidal wave cast-iron thesaurus rickshaw programmed unturned spread like wildfire fortune teller awareness autobiography pianist oxygen evening gown as meek as a lamb unidentified creamy cruet morally air conditioner mailbox dryness tiffin powerless audio scary detective story built tomato ketchup teacup publicly high-pitched polytechnic interchange goggle high time firmly etc. bootee refugee camp cob wig whine easy-going vomit volcanic day and night daisy cyclist cold-blooded chime natural tip of the iceberg colourful washer vampire carelessly mystery worn waiting enamel turquoise announcement again and again wharf smoking unintelligent red meat penguin warehouse trolley towards short-term made kept terminus tolerant tile terrify zookeeper cleaner microwave oven synonym supervise sullen studio keep time tabby hand-held spiral souvenir software model till deer definition miss throw thoughtful mobile mistress mile deaf meeting then thick merry thing thief theatre metal dam text medicine meat customer current