新加坡AEIS考试Vocabulary Primary1-Sec1词汇表

新加坡AEIS考试Vocabulary Primary1-Sec1词汇表
detective spectator sponsor competitor civilian as early as possible heat stroke blurb kiwifruit carton cartographer as dark as night get into hot water dung optimist kitten unfashionable washbasin bon voyage cauldron pickaxe as blind as a bat washboard pinafore high heels swimming costume handrail gambling presidential dagger kwa grub apologise mise mathematician spinster briefcase multi motorist cantaloupe mole comical newborn tankard actuary sledgehammer belly strainer as good as gold burglary wristwatch wilt simile shoal charitable ice skating spacesuit hemlock twisted inconsiderate aviary burrow heat wave rattan police officer parapet waistcoat inactive kidnapper earlobe meow sundial scorching arsonist diving hutch webmaster horrid scamper scabbard apron anvil turn turtle dovecote kiosk hyena antler amble egg yolk bray dreamt sore throat rugby stellar honk holster hockey hercules backache tumbler handbag cockroach twitter attic vegetarian cash register walkie-talkie bookworm smell a rat cicada hatchet talkative wheatgrass cycling misty chinese cabbage curry eyelash sprout country club flight attendant valentine armpit oxen overcast grumpy postcard pickpocket fertiliser maggot grindstone myth mule guide urn goblet waddle dainty locker lark jogger flash flood stomach ache toothache earache taxi driver vendor play with fire horticulturist mews hourglass geese gaggle gallop fishing eyebrow trousers anklet organisation playful wept frisk freezing slower pincer deformity supporter analyst harmless robin prowl folklore convict cold wave chiropodist brother-in-law chain saw stylish foggy sprain title page blowtorch cluck orphanage emigrant dragonfly pretended snout slither bak cockerel coven chicken-hearted cask Kea chock shoelace portfolio jemmy black sheep bib hearted stud pliers well-behaved bed of roses tour guide semi revolver playwright philanthropist fresh air childcare keg feet egotist watermelon perspiration quack good-hearted coffee shop Knee pad bleat convent adventurous hippopotamus earring beat about the bush caretaker scuba diving truthful penknife drizzly downpour exotic castles in the air tweezer sister-in-law timekeeper pessimist walkway condominium fought dolphin email gazelle vacuum cleaner laze night owl sesame