新加坡AEIS考试Vocabulary Primary1-Sec1词汇表

新加坡AEIS考试Vocabulary Primary1-Sec1词汇表
own up race queue quarterly peal impractical conditioner emerald quality puzzle punishment leopardess doe science fiction pull up pull out puff public provide prove proud download teller program produce process drone drenched put down private prisoner prison print pride pretty molehill tsunami pretend press present prescribe preposition prepare practise practical continuously wore dismount power possible position butterfingers poem pocket pleasure platform place pity pin pigeon bricklayer piece pick up pick physical photograph phase immature pet permission perfume performance perfect peahen volcanic eruption zoologist peasant path peachick haystack bitch patch passive particular part park parent serving brake pad paradise pale palace pain pace yellowish somersault stop over cygnet curdle owner disorderly crook output outer organism ordinary orderly amah coupon order orchestra orbit opportunity opinion operate surgical facial once on time footed blue-blooded thriller fled cork constellation product ocean insecure cone occasionally object obey nursery compere comic comedian novel noun noble fortnightly face the music click network nervous necessary churn nearly nature mysterious muscle murderer murder mug movement blueberry cheetah chap mosquito mood made from monthly money modest mode mixture carousel docile mislead mirror lifeguard stag midnight message mess menu mend memory patiently red tape mature matter match mass tried bumble bum brewery hop mask headband slid owe maintain mail magazine storyteller take in beverage luggage loyal lose no time SE downwards boar higher loser landslide beacon look into patter traveller sari literary liquid link tardily avalanche auditorium atlas lever legal lecture leave series beat up let the cat out of the bag arson archipelago lay down law laundry handwrite every year lately lantern apiary ape label knowledge knock as clear as a bell pillion ebony black eye kick keyboard keeper racehorse amber juice