柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
atheistic mockingbird statehouse gratuity thumbprint sparring partner cutesy clod IRS Undid ineffable right-thinking mission statement coal scuttle quick unacknowledged discrete poverty line tog signalman pickpocket seductress printing scurvy ponce tin opener piddling fey connive monstrosity foolproof match point chairwoman unforgiving vacuity mothball insouciant acetone fixity eurocentric pepperoni oversleep gourmand MW remunerative touchy demonic bumbling cannibalize fief whoosh Mach premeditation deadpan folic acid table top timekeeping quart soliloquy veranda choc-ice overheated baccalaureate serrated gondola eye strain chagrin fatherly hyperbole paella beanfeast pud negroid menswear diaspora reinvent arty grotto henna wherewithal lobotomy force-feed ordered onside epistle take-home pay laburnum broiler palliative eraser Pyrex flighty eye socket miscreant narcissism side dish fire station Titan indefinite pronoun alkali Bloody Mary gold dust luxuriant European Union pentagon sundial coup de grace bleeper silo dissolute riverfront be-all and end-all consolation prize annexe budgie chap formless penicillin whoa scoreline gunslinger mucky croaky interjection adventurism spina bifida matey odourless crocus driving seat facilitator cheesed off moralistic correlative Public Domain entrap yum irascible spiritless beautify oil rig disingenuous al dente unshaded naff wallop idyll twat headstrong in-service snowdrop redhead procrastinate prequel spinning wheel penal code platonic horse box CEO dish towel joystick precipice gremlin applied unwary slip road duffel bag lice sciatica graphical floozy stay of execution separatism histrionic hybridize incisor teleconference ferrous abbreviate funnily globule furthermost clownish absolve quibble tipsy wild west courtesan witticism checkmate psychological warfare enchantress song and dance doable friendless outplay nothingness mordant testicular rearward unshaven predetermined scatterbrained unalloyed antiquary cigarette lighter transcendental contextual foodie scoot expectorant industrialism quiff harbinger falcon corporatist gotten actuary big shot voiced giraffe dental floss chaff blighter lacerate index finger viscera lobster pot indented almanac clinical trial molar ostentation combination lock supplication fire hydrant know-it-all er report card phosphorescence springboard coquette stoned anthrax sui generis hoodwink woodwind ignoramus reprehensible nauseating