柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
plenary ball boy cash crop clingfilm diametrically protrusion powerboat telephone booth freehold procurator godless redefinition deflower record holder kowtow disrespect sachet unforeseeable flue assembly plant rigmarole maddening oddment pitiable tuba ingenuous sunburst duplicitous lattice fluoridation flirtatious amiability dethrone pince-nez escalator brutish eyeful bedpost caraway penny-pinching sartorial conga floury parsimonious game bird sax streetlamp pithy avaricious eyeglasses betrothal ram apportion cocksure shoo-in left field illusory dream ticket omnipresent chiropody hostelry bucket seat direct speech uncluttered rakish wanker irreproachable dry-clean bougainvillea titular supercilious ski jump Formica housemaster agitation trusty close-fitting power steering outdid reverb seepage embroil wherefores irrefutable vermin woven circumnavigate cobra oboe syrupy ice pick vetch horse-drawn neuralgia amusement park tuppence capacious liquid crystal cube root reading room chiropractic anglicize stage door ail lilt blue ribbon spring chicken fug adulatory soup kitchen sleeping sickness muss techno hosepipe skeleton key press gallery piteous purportedly MPV flecked crackly engagement ring light industry egotism night school all-embracing walkabout glandular bushed imperturbable particulars cushy ironing board dragonfly chasten maiden name matted overreach peer group prevailing body politic aircrew whosoever grizzly steamship covey despondency sweatpants acquiescence scrubber philistine sidelight kerchief curmudgeon stacked semibreve wellness churchwarden grade crossing LED goitre imbroglio apposition gave westbound teaching hospital coccyx Judas razzmatazz lateral thinking dictation rearrangement swat crossbar tractable balancing act conscientious objector second wind swung coven downer womanizer latticed downtrend blue-blooded tea service first offender perspicacious igneous skinless yelp appetizer earldom Veterans Day subcontract labour camp high society villainy clammy stag party sustenance off season suppository pail fixedly fatherless kaleidoscope master of science eclair leant formalism full-blooded leading edge bank statement hibernate electrolysis waterside AWOL ill-mannered aviator catalytic converter registry office insolent subatomic dun plutocrat disciplinarian boastful apparition valance data bank lanky weepy synopsis stars and stripes emolument zany guile minibar embolism disputation weather forecaster scoresheet incise dance hall Indian summer zealot Photostat supertanker thunderclap