柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
vending machine hatbox star-crossed flag day truancy cantonment well-intentioned goody-goody big mouth tricolour unknowable libidinous telegenic exonerate chameleon chatterbox graduated inexpert primordial pixel rhapsodize bicentenary precious stone ivy league debase unrepresented cleaver disabuse flounce dissemble henhouse licentious seminarian sovietologist womanly rubric quicksilver drive shaft balaclava aerodynamic ajar caterwaul chignon punchy antithetical spark plug luxuriate algal despoil unsociable olfactory burp slot machine stinky uninteresting wrought enfranchise command economy spun confidence trick spay infernal schtick cretinous rollicking evil eye prejudicial credulity leafless overemphasize kinswoman present perfect demure calculus seamy habitue foxglove honeyed polling day personable high-sounding lecherous capacitor repulsive pillbox umber gladiator matronly pittance ventilator Air Miles cavil ill-timed strong-willed chicanery peckish wintertime situate camber vivacity surface mail devotional foretaste roofer sorceress viol unbalance culvert purview has-been lame chlorophyll evensong searchlight off-key complicit glassy choleric rattan daisy chain container ship summer house sexual abuse im centrifugal force pyrotechnics lineage bafflement stirrup chard runabout oxygen mask pub crawl immemorial effusive matrices bikeway phonology shooting gallery radial restful straggly phoneme star-studded disc jockey yeasty second person liniment bozo guard of honour hick soundless chaperone counter raze Row house necrophilia bomb site rough and tumble enervated negligee changeable massage parlour division sign bar mitzvah banns mental hospital vignette stumpy underachieve sportscaster aftershock kiddie reverie egocentric tom endgame Amerasian triviality mind-boggling hara-kiri naturalism straggle cheapskate cardie godsend racking dark glasses mincemeat miser continental shelf unprepossessing neutron star rococo rocking horse corps de ballet extricate voice mail panicky unfettered marrow bone hatchery mores elope raspy girder mislay white lie tribalism altarpiece nihilistic boorish ephemeral gambol chipper Holy Week life jacket cowbell fissure ahold nomenklatura plaything tarantula inquisitorial hubby rummy swine eisteddfod litigious rough-hewn descending temptress brutalize goofy blueberry plimsoll signpost lyricism understudy stomach ache chippings codicil earth-shattering anon wino gird geo foreboding scaremongering welt