柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
obstetrics cower defenceless russet sexless abscond pursuance atoll stuffed shirt numinous rubella benighted retro fire fighter debrief moisten God-fearing archbishop pharmacopoeia lioness scotch tape prodigal aegis arboretum brig waste disposal huffy frigging hereafter cortisone unavailing jape topmost raver enlistment real property windbreak deed poll manacle choreographic middle west mother nature punching bag chiropractor corpuscle kiwi fruit dated abeyance schizoid unresponsive takeoff earthworm contraband asterisk summation frogman superhuman psych out gall bladder petrol tank billfold byre well-timed clanger ensnare petrel lashing over straitjacket insignia trial run Lent police state disavow tsp cordite swimmingly swinging door lifespan bombast cognizant cudgel statuary effrontery accumulative battering ram Alma Mater intensifier moonless germ warfare unexceptionable O lamentation decaffeinated angora oppress philatelist buttoned up wrangler staccato safety zone noteworthy billionth thermoplastic stable boy Eurocrat installment plan auntie pecker bantu washed-out chintz connective aha elf would-be purgatory probationary exultant incorporated nous brain drain go-kart dearth aplenty pit stop pessary practical joke knave jowly unfailing skillet trailblazer azalea bagel towpath lampoon black box standing room squally smarten up closed shop ironmongery ourself jet aircraft dorm blinder acerbity chimneypiece whole note with it foreclosure stream of consciousness stiletto hairless puckish kindling topaz side salad abscess NE feet self-rule big toe mire nape bas-relief sucrose pastille sanatorium satiate examinee spelunker april fool Anglo pandemic zine Fifty-fifty pugnacity exhibitionist noxious solicitude pinched curative ill will hillock detectable pumice mnemonic asinine overlord bassoon periwinkle pell-mell racetrack sales slip SMS dovish Band-Aid fire escape whey ethnicity craftspeople August quench probity disestablish superconductivity vouch for stationmaster turn signal public prosecutor singlet surtax contemporaneous code name rustler voile presentable mispronounce prong cocker spaniel truss fraternize funeral director bitten prototypical hangman apoplectic paunch tax-deductible subset imbecile reptilian sensationalist asphyxiate fireball fireguard zipper directorial ethnocentric verruca tautology socialite downspout moron perturbation given name filtration unattached