
treaty exclusive copyright ISP FTC crm dissemination empowerment opt out registration surveillance apprehend fraud invade opt in disclosure wiretap newsgroup tax evasion in combination with cumbersome common law forger conspicuous digital signature in stock stated revoke acceptance pose poster disclaimer authenticate liable implied consideration offer URL preliminary engage in deal with submit to arise from tort negligent lawsuit attorney cost-benefit comity judicial statute defendant legal intentional jurisdiction naysayer conviction fire hose cull hone multichannel guidepost insatiable willing entrepreneurial din status quo veritable synergy point touch tactics innate ambiguity insight advocacy locus metaphor unattainable warranty dissolution unfold be analogous to pruning align with underserved methodology senior steer notebook insofar breadth subscription unprofitable enduring follow-up word-of-mouth manifest comprise articulation unmet put in no-go incubate business unit interrelationship back and forth sustain commitment craft nonmonetary allocate in the long run monetize nurture profitability outcome uncoordinated entail capitalize sales rep position mass tenet practitioner specific customer gradation academic rep lever toolkit imposition precipitous surge verification publicity gouge in terms of opt fungible package think of frantic accuse risk-averse due to friction revolutionize marketing pure bundle prospective spread variant proposal derivative quotation request reserve price fluid patronize loss leader frenzy balk at premium mandate staple first mover be concerned with prestige wholesaler fixed cost manufacturer variable cost plus cost strategy discrimination in accordance with procure disparate outlet distribution price dynamic preference register communication two-way interactive participate in promotion sales reps customization individualize surreptitious outbound circumvent inbound intercept assault spyware vpn flaw tamper segment ssl ca pki in the case of repudiate asymmetric ciphertext decrypt de facto notarize forge symmetric plaintext scramble cornerstone variability acoustical pupil pond ridge physiological swipe passive payment assumption identical template tip discontinuity iris magnetic strip token rfc DOS ongoing deem honeypot articulate lack of proactive counter tolerable net