
multimedia celebrity highlight Super Bowl contractor cover letter commission pool recruit asset loan vendor lending portfolio stock quote security broker investment membership icon troubleshooting surplus negotiate aggregate marketplace exchange procurement raffle lottery bond star overstock markup mortgage catapult rebate referral eligible vice versa profit margin scour spotlight empower mouse dorm sign in savvy merger descending through click pertain to addiction downtime consistent bid bold-face reverse pinpoint dispenser log on dwarf EDI eft mall address bill on order pharmaceutical invoice DVD privacy confirmation discount shipment merchandise ideology auction leverage storefront virtual reality killer app fax CNN cookie flash connectivity sophisticated patron chunk clip buddy unleash search engine attachment defy spam chat overlap meta bane unsolicited snail mail spawn surf supplant hypertext browse netscape Macintosh browser extension mosaic animation videoconference tag synchronous latency appreciate multicast jerk streaming circuitous congestion extranet sovereign delay objectionable broadband dial-up curb built-in pipeline repository middleware piggyback intranet aficionado modem throughput narrowband retailer tier redundancy backbone authentication substrate let alone finger token ring networks algorithm routing bit client server instant messaging Unix ping telnet Ethernet router switch circuit packet-switching host computer domain name supercomputer vulnerable quad break down follow-on institutional conceptualize pundit hog video reminiscent gigabyte mainframe disabled slice fledge legitimization glib hyperlink bandwidth ubiquity outlay at odds with stem from anticipate multinational access rate flat unfettered dispute commensurate anonymity formulate consultant capitalize on life cycle supporting activity primary value chain shareholder effect network telecommute coordination incur mechanism barter diminishing returns uproot forego brokerage motivation firm scarce profile tactile model dramatic yield antique logistics streamline dominance business model innovative rampant piracy fraught renewed retina technology biometric inventory bar code subsidize exploit capital impediment predominantly process business interchangeable under way