
signature raise niece guilty eldest blame Morse code yogurt wok wine whip vegetarian vegetable tub trowel tomato titbit thirst goodnight goblin go to sleep go to bed gnome gate garden garage furniture fridge freezer fireplace fill fantasy fan false fairy eagle huge howl hissing hiss highest high-pitched hearing aid hearing hear grumbling growling groaning groan glide glass gently gallop frizzle fragrance tea tasty tasteless takeaway swallow suck succulent strawberry stir-fry stir stew steam starve stale spray soy sauce soup snack bulb bug blossom postman neighbour pineapple pie pick at stand up rugby way liner harbour ew entry toenail scenery brace generous cereal catering carrot sit webbed warm-blooded gut fluoride flu flavouring leave set off ruler ear attractive aged adult adolescence abdomen grown curl mussel mosquito moo mollusc migrate meow marine maple mane mammal lobster leopard leaf larva lamb kitten kennel keeper kangaroo insect trudge tongue to tiptoe tiny thread texture teeth taste buds taste synthetic sweet stroll stride stone stink stench squeak sprint backbone backache aw asthma aspirin artery antibiotic anaesthetist allergic lose consciousness heartbeat false tooth admit grey green grain gold fractured fracture flame flake first aid firefighter fire extinguisher fire engine fire fewer every enough emergency witness welfare wealthy wealth warship warfare vulnerable victory victim verdict unlucky unfortunate underprivileged truce tramp underpass tyre tunnel traveller transport traffic jam tow toll territory terrain summit stream steer speedometer south sneeze snapshot sling sleeve sightseeing scorch scald sacred rucksack roof resort religion Ramadan procession prayer pray postcard zip youthful youth youngster young yawn wrist wrinkle woman wink weight wavy waist uniform underwear trim gym get better fitness fit filling