
warn chimney Rudolph reindeer sleigh the North Pole pole Nikolaus sailor save Saint Nicholas beard drown edge soap appliance electrical baking soda soda fire slip bathroom prevent bell water slide careless rush morton icy Andrews witness bounce drop noble rule safety recover patient injury ambulance fault serious injure ladder ceiling careful reporter refuse warning pretend victim acting accident whom accidentally soldier wounded poison blood kill peace bury operate situation aid northern anti-Japanese war tuberculosis norman bethune greatly courage Sullivan hearing sight deaf blind educator writer well-known Helen Keller planetoid dentist puzzle crossword super develop benefit besides produce technology honour worldwide variety development research devote agriculture southwest graduate hybrid shadow peanut divorce weapon nuclear death Princeton university Princeton Switzerland Nobel Price nobel false theory of relativity relativity solve lifetime century mind Albert Einstein thought universe life appendix appendicitis disabled control wheelchair dare unable damage lucky Jane wine beer cancer cause public allow disease plenty worse terrible ill smoke diet balanced contain yogurt butter cheese calcium soybean soy milk bean nut protein tomato lettuce salad potato fibre mineral vitamin illness role-play bless sneeze breathe lung cough abdomen weak pain sara nurse hospital fever employee own madam journal lady magazine rent board bulletin junior high school storybook elementary school elementary deal cent heart coin afford afraid purse bill cash cheque pushpin Edwin Moore payment registration final certificate audiotape advanced intermediate beginner course fat meeting success mall supply product advertising price business lingo ad pay money pull lift guitar unusual kilo anybody jones bridge falcon farthest farther cheetah human including tortoise Thailand centimetre gram bat bumblebee ton weigh average whale gorge