
cranial chip archeologist acoustic the great depression Sirius preservative pepper pension nutmeg monarchy monarch maize legislation initiate impeachment hieroglyph golden age ginger fragrance exotic emigration eligible dissenter demotic democracy constitution colonist clove civilization cinnamon bishop authority anomaly welfare state venture trust trademark surplus surcharge supply and demand sunset industry sunrise industry industry sunrise subsidiary revenue recession quality control purchasing power promotion price tag price index poverty line per capita income patent needy Multinational corporation merger mass production make ends meet laissez faire labor-intensive inventory industrialization incentive haves have-not hard up guarantee good buy freebie fortune 500 flea market embargo dumping disposable income discount devaluation deregulation depression degradation deflation deficit cut corners coupon consumer price index conglomerate commission clearance chain store cash cow cartel capital-intensive buying power buyer's market business cycle budget deficit break even boycott bottom line capital boom-and-bust bonus board of directors black market billboard barter bargain bar code bankrupt balance of trade auction assembly line assembly amalgamation affluence advance accumulation waltz walk-on vocalist vocal music villain verse usher understudy tune theme tempo tap dance symphony supporting actor stringed instrument stanza staff staccato spotlight soprano tango sonata soloist solo soliloquy shadow play score scene scenario saxophone samba rumba rock and roll repertoire reggae recital rap range puppet quartet punk rock protagonist prompter principle prima ballerina premiere prelude pitch percussion instrument pantomime overture organ orchestra opera off broadway nocturne nationalism movement motif monologue mime melody march lullaby light music leitmotif juggler jazz interval intermission intermezzo interlude instrument improvisation hymn house music horn harp heavy metal harmony harmonica harmonic genre folk music flute flop epilogue ensemble duo duet dress rehearsal downstage DJ diva development crew cradle country music costume denouement composition composer comedian circus chorus choreography choreographer chord choral choir debut chivalry chant chamber music chamber cha-cha cello cast carol callback cadence burlesque bugle bubblegum Broadway bravo blues bluegrass bebop ballet ballerina