
sap pollen blossom corolla petal bloom proliferous spore germinate kernel burgeon shoot sprout alternation of generations pollination absorb starch cellulose oxygen carbon dioxide chlorophyll taproot trunk stem bough stoma foliage vein mature bare pervasive hollow transparent behavioral scrap habitat den lair herd flock chambered leathery tentacle shell proboscis mane spine paw claw pant fend grab swoop procure capture camouflage burrow migrate inhabit live off aestivate hibernation hibernate dormant torpid ambidextrous cold-blooded aggressive ferocious rampant nocturnal altricial precocial descend lay hatch bear mate breed hermaphrodite male female fertilization semen asexual reproduction sexual reproduction reproduction tadpole dinosaur raptor serpent killer whale sperm antelope moose game prey carrion scavenger quadruped biped omnivorous omnivore carnivorous carnivore herbivorous herbivore parasite ruminant finch livestock rodent primate mammal bird reptile amphibian fish vertebrate bug crustacea arachnid arthropod coelenterate echinoderm mollusk sponge invertebrate chordate animal kingdom terminate extinction root out eradicate piscatory exterminate defunct endangered annihilate lacerate hobble angle piscatorial infest sense ornithology larva intake uniformity homeostasis agility bill beak fin sucker crust feature niche nest culture conjugation nervous system circulation host enmity predator population mammary communicable parasitic symbiotic flora fauna biologist protein mineral gland fermentation ferment yeast enzyme amino acid osmotic secretion respiration photosynthesis catabolism anabolism anaerobic aerobic metabolism microscopic microorganism microbe organism biochemistry vacuole nucleic acid nucleus membrane cytoplasm metaplasm protoplasm tissue building block specimen cytology naturalist natural selection survival of the fittest adaptation evolution offspring hybrid mutant reversion mutation variety atavism distribute recessive dominant chromosome DNA gene pool genetic trait heredity kingdom phylum class order family genus species categorize taxonomy