
profession position policy organization office experience wage commission career candidate cooperative well-paid white-collar blue-collar recruit recommend employer employee employ appeal consult apply waterskiing waterfall vineyard view trip travel agency travel tower of london Eiffel Tower tower tourist tourism tour theater temple stable surfing Stonehenge spring snow-capped sightseeing sculpture metro jelly scenery scene safari park safari rock climbing resort rainforest ramble parachuting national park park painting outing opera house orchid the British Museum museum meadow marine life knickknack souvenir keepsake schedule routine route journey itinerary horse riding go on holiday holiday scenic spot historical hill hiking Cultural Heritage cultural heritage bason range cliff horizon plateau plain valley gorge gallery farm exhibition expedition excursion scuba diving diving refreshment dessert desert cruise creature coral reef coral night club club cathedral castle camping bungee jumping botanical garden coast seaside shore beach tortoise seal barbecue barbeque aquarium vegetarian tenant settle down rule replace rent move in refund receipt privacy mortgage lease leak landlady landlord insurance house owner flicker deposit default contract break-in block bill application allocation agency closet wardrobe vacuum cleaner utensil towel toaster switch stove warehouse storehouse personal stereo stereo system sink shower kitchen living room sitting room roof amusement entertainment leisure game room recreation radiator porch pillow passageway oven outlet mattress mat departure lounge lounge laundry room lobby lawn kettle iron guest room garage fire extinguisher emergency fire refrigerator fridge escalator lift elevator dustpan dining room cushion water heater couch central heating ceiling courtyard coffee maker cupboard cabinet cable TV blind shutter blender rug carpet blanket bed linen sheet bedsitter bathtub terrace balcony entrance hall attic sport suburban suburb outskirts rural area movie theater inner city midtown downtown city center blackout tavern suite student hostel room hall of residence Residential college ranch house motel lodge host family homestay house cottage flat cabin housing estate inn