in the wings pound the pavement plum job play second fiddle hang up one's boots get the axe duty bound cream of the crop on the dole busman's holiday work like a charm walk and chew gum sweetheart agreement strictly business by the sweat of one's brow step into the breach steal a march on someone square deal smokestack industry silent partner skeleton staff shotgun approach sign on the dotted line shape up or ship out set the stage for separate the sheep from the goats seal of approval roll up one's sleeves roaring business put one's shoulder to the wheel pull one's weight play the market in the pipeline pick up steam pass muster overplay one's hand ostrich strategy opposite number go further nuts and bolts nitty-gritty movers and shakers move the goalposts mix business with pleasure make hay while the sun shines license to print money jump on the bandwagon hit the ground running irons in the fire in no time household word hive of activity have one's hands tied all hands on deck gain the upper hand common practice boot out golden parachute Golden handshake going concern golden handcuffs share option for a song get the show on the road get one's hands dirty a free hand farm out elbow grease go above and beyond the call of duty dream ticket doom and gloom grunt work done deal in the doldrums dog-eat-dog dead wood cutting edge creative accounting corner the market copper-bottomed too many chiefs and not enough Indians cash in one's chips cash cow carve out a niche stand the pace business is business business before pleasure business as usual brick-and-mortar break one's back get down to brass tacks blue chip company above board blank check bait and switch back to the salt mines crack down hold all the aces have an ace up one's sleeve write off work out in a tight spot throw cold water on take stock department store sweetheart deal take a nosedive sell like hotcakes a piece of the action red ink run short on the block on credit mean business go out of business jack up in the works in the long run in the market for in black and white learn about heads will roll hard sell go public give someone the green light get a break gain ground double-check deliver the goods cut corners company man come on strong cold call close the books close out carry through carry the day carry over captain of industry calculated risk bring out by a long shot buy off budget squeeze break even the boys in the back room bottom line fall out of Big wheel banker's hours bang for the buck up-and-coming bail out across the board slack off a rule of thumb pick someone's brains up to speed call the shots call it a day small talk see eye to eye put on hold get someone's foot in the door get the ball rolling talk shop back burner learn the ropes burn one's bridge long haul rags to riches pick up the tab a penny for your thoughts out of one's own pocket get one's money's worth throw good money after bad see the color of someone's money rake in put one's money where one's mouth is for love or money bungee jumping more money than sense money laundering money for jam grow on trees money burns a hole in one's pocket money to burn lose one's shirt live in clover look like a million dollars live high off the hog loan shark laugh all the way to the bank live beyond one's means keep the wolf from the door itchy palm on the house ill-gotten hit pay dirt gravy train gnomes of Zurich feel the pinch feed the kitty feather one's nest dip into down payment deep pockets cut someone's losses head for at all costs cost the earth the other side of the coin chicken feed on the breadline born with a silver spoon in one's mouth on the dot bet one's bottom dollar zero in on zero tolerance that makes two of us put two and two together no two ways about it lesser of two evils in two shakes of a lamb's tail two peas in a pod look out for number one second to none one's number is up one too many have a one-track mind one step ahead one good turn deserves another nine days' wonder have one foot in the grave safety in numbers nineteen to the dozen bean counter number cruncher nine times out of ten never in a million years chance in a million half a mind give or take on all fours forty winks five-finger discount of the first water out of the gate first hand first base