Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
local tax land tax inheritance tax indirect tax income tax hidden tax graduated tax gift excess estate tax douane direct tax death tax capital gains tax amusement tax minimum alternative wash sale Wall Street voting stock underprice treasury note treasury bond treasury bill trading T-Bill tax-exempt subscription stock option stock market stockholder stock exchange stock certificate stockbroker stock bonus spot market speculator shareholder shake out sell-off Securities and Exchange Commission sallie mae risk put profit taking proceeds preferred stock over-the-counter offering NYSE New York Stock Exchange NASDAQ mergers and acquisitions mercantile market price market order margin listed leverage Leveraged buyout LBO junk bond institutional industrial indenture high-yield high yield greenmail government bond glamour gilt future exchange fixing financial fnma Fannie Mae esop Dow Jones debenture common stock commodity exchange Chicago Board of Trade capital stock capital gain buy-out buy back bull market bullish brokerage bourse book value blue-sky blue chip big board bear market bearish baby bond arbitrageur arbitrage Amex american stock exchange agiotage venture capital unsecured trust company traveler's check time deposit thrift teller survivorship stop payment state bank solvency smart money smart card simple interest short-term savings bank savings and loan association savings account savings safe-deposit box rubricate revolving reserve requirement reserve bank repurchase remittance remit reimburse redline rediscount recourse recoup quittance prime rate penalty prepayment payback pawnshop pawnbroker passbook par value par overdraft on-demand negotiable never-never negotiable instrument near money national bank money order mutual fund mortgage money market micr m3 m2 m1 long term loan Lombard loan officer loan office liquidity line of credit letter of credit lending layaway laundering land bank joint account investment banking shave forfeiture interest loan guaranty frozen assets foreclose floating debt financial statement financial service finance company finance federal reserve system Federal Reserve fed fdic escrow endorsement encash electronic funds transfer eft duty Bradstreet down payment discount rate depreciation deposit slip depository deposit demand deposit delinquency deferred payment credit rating creditor credit line credit union credit limit credit bureau credit card countersign counterfoil countercheck cosigner correspondent bank consumer credit compound interest commercial paper commercial bank comake collection item clearinghouse christmas club checking account checkbook certified check certificate of deposit cashier's check call money call loan bursar bounced check borrow beneficiary bearer bank statement bankrupt bank run bank paper bank note banking house banking bank acceptance banker bank draft bank clerk bankbook Balloon payment balance due