Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
chattel mortgage assumable acceleration clause undivided undertenant trust deed subtenant sublease sky riparian retaliatory reliction enjoyment mortmain mete materialman lessor lessee landlord landlady grantor grantee free and clear eviction at will encroachment easement restriction cotenancy cadastre attorn alienation adverse possession accession townhouse showplace security deposit Row house stabilization realtor rack-rent market value low-cost let leasehold industrial park improvement improved location HUD habitable frontage fix up first and last finder's fee exclusive right Exclusive Listing estate agent developer develop condo chartulary caretaker realty blockbusting bird dog bedsit beachfront Baltimore apartment building acreage absentee workman motorist uninsured unemployment insurance underwriter underinsured uncovered tontine term insurance renter reinsurance Property insurance policyholder payable occurrence overinsure overage natural death mortality table moral hazard marine insurance medical loading life insurance lapsed jumping insurer insured insurance policy inland indemnification homeowner health insurance fire insurance error endowment insurance liability insurance dramshop disaster coinsurance cleanup catastrophe bordereau aviation insurance assurance assign advertiser adjustor actuary actuarial act of god accident insurance accident voice-over vo upscale trade out trade name time slot throwaway telemarketing target market target audience tabletop sweepstakes subliminal advertising stylist storyboard spot announcement spokesperson slice-of-life show bill sandwich board rollout residual rating production manager press kit PR point of sale piggyback opportunity paste-up outdoor message planner mailing list mailer logotype linage knockdown kickapoo junk mail insert IBM persuader head shot handbill halftone graphic designer graphic design freelance focus group fly sheet flip chart exposure exclusivity dog and pony show direct marketing decal direct mail copywriter consumer market concept classified ad sticker billing billboard audiovisual art director age group agate agate line advertising advertisement admass ad account executive coordinator vermicule zoology watershed viticulture vegetative tenant farmer target price silviculture rural reforestation pomology pollution pasteurization olericulture nitrogen fixation mixed farming mineralogy microclimatology market garden land grant kibbutz hydroponics hydrology Integrated Pest Management husbandry horticulture herbicide green revolution granger geoponic genetic engineering forestry food processing fishery farm management famine environmental protection enclosure ecology demesne dehydration deforestation pollination croft collective farm citriculture cash crops canning botany