Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
piggy bank piaster pfennig petrodollar pelf pecuniary paper money obol numismatics pence mopus moola monetary system mintage megabuck medium of exchange mad money lucre legal tender kopeck kitty hard currency hard cash hapenny half dollar half crown groat greenback gold standard gold dust certificate fund fort knox florin exchange rates five-spot fiver fido fen exchange rate eurodollar ducat doubloon double eagle dinero demonetization currency confederate coin chicken feed centimo centime centavo cent in hand cambist bullion bouncing bill of exchange an arm and a leg well-to-do usance spending skimp Scotch scrimp scholarship riches retirement benefit resource recipient ransom purse-proud prodigality pretty penny penny-pinching parsimony opulence munificence moneyed means lucrative liberality largess hemorrhage heiress greed golconda generosity frugality fixed income fellowship double-dip donation dole disinherit deep pockets cut off cumshaw Croesus come into closefisted brass ring billionaire bestowal benefactor banausic backing avarice assignee appanage alms allotment aid write-down Average cost weighted tangible assets suspense retained earnings post up posting outstanding account notes receivable notes payable net worth net sales net income managerial limited liability journalize journal entry in the red in the black intangible asset gross profit general ledger fixed costs face value ending debit daybook current liabilities current assets cost accounting closing entry close the books circle graph CPA Certified Public Accountant disbursement cashbook cash basis capital contribution capital account entity bookkeeping bookkeeper bar graph bank reconciliation balance sheet auditor at risk appreciation annualize trial balance accrual accounts receivable accounts payable accounting accountant accountancy write-off tax return tax rate taxpayer taxman taxing tax-free tax haven tax farmer tax evasion tax collector tax code tax break tax bracket tax base taxable income simplify schedule salvage value recapture premature overpay nonresident nonprofit organization net profit operating loss modify lump-sum limitation keogh joint return involuntary IRS Inland Revenue informational IRA independent contractor holding period foreign tax credit filing FICA exemption exciseman enroll earned income depletion deductible declining decedent contribution carry back carry forward carryover loss excise withhold audit at-risk agi adjustment gross income participation accelerated tax shelter ability withholding tax value-added tax surtax single tax severance school revenue stamp regressive real estate proportional property tax luxury tax