Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
vend variety store upset price unit price undersell undercharge underbid twofer traveling salesman transaction trading stamp trading post trade show trader tickler thrift shop test marketing sublicense storewide store stock in trade soft sell soft goods shrink wrap show window showroom shopping spree shopping shop around service mark Sell short selling seller's market sales slip sales tax salesperson salesmanship salesman sale rummage sale rollback rock bottom retailer repossession repo refund reduced receipt rebate quota quality control purchase price purchase order purchase prospect promotion profit margin differentiation price war price tag discrimination point-of-sale obsolescence planned peril peddle patronize packing slip packaging package store overprice overcharge outbid on the house on the block oem nonrefundable nondurable nominal price monopsony money's worth mom-and-pop merchandising merchandise mart markup market research marketing marketplace marketable markdown loss leader list price liquidation lading job lot IOU invoice inventory in stock installment plan installment hard sell hedonic hard goods handout half-price guarantee grey market gratis good buy glut giveaway give-and-take general store garage sale functional freebie flea market flagship five-and-dime fire sale fair market value export expense excise tax durable goods dry goods door-to-door dicker department store cut-rate customs curb service cover the ground cover charge coupon corner the market convenience store consumer concessionaire comp commodity commerce come to terms cold call closeout clientele CIF charm price charge account chamber of commerce chain store cash register cash Cash on Delivery cash-and-carry cartage carriage trade callback cabotage buyer remorse brand name board of trade blister bill of sale bill of lading bid price bazaar barter bargain basement bargain bait and switch automat auction asking price working class work ethic wholesale welfare wealth upper class unemployment rate unemployment underdeveloped trade deficit trade imbalance trade barriers tenancy technological surplus value surplus supply and demand supply subvention subsistence stipend standard of living standardization stagflation squander splurge socioeconomic social security smokestack industry sliding scale shortfall shortage shakeout secular trend fluctuation seasonal scarcity revaluation reparation renewable resources remuneration reflation recession real wages dollar reaganomics raw material rationing quotation purchasing power public utility public sector prosperity proprietorship property rights propertied private sector private property private enterprise price support prime cost price index price ppi poverty line poverty physiocrat Phillips petite per capita income penury peak pay