Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
baroness baron banneret ataman atheling armiger archon archimandrite archduke archduchess emir amir alcalde secret agent listening post Joe Interpol intelligence agency football disinformation counterspy counterespionage collaboration CIA Central Intelligence Agency Warsaw nuclear weapon seato revanche reprisal rapprochement peace offensive police action nsc North Atlantic Treaty Organization nonaggression pact NATO national security council retaliation limited war jingoism irenic collective security coexistence buffer state big stick atomic power atomic age arms control Arab League antiterrorism angary allies world power trade balance thalassocracy suzerain superpower influence refusenik refugee realm protectionism open-door OPEC nonaligned nation-state nationality motherland Monroe Doctrine ministate isolationism irredentism International Monetary Fund internationalism Iron Curtain world bank imperium imperialism immigration IMF human rights hegemony great power globalism interdependence free trade foreign aid foreign affairs fatherland expatriation enclave emigration emigrant embargo european economic community eec Domino theory developed country developing country developed deport destabilize decolonize customs duty crown colony country compatriot common market colony colonization client state carnet banishment bamboo curtain Balkanize balance of power appeasement amity world court visa vice-consul united nations trust territory treaty State Department sovereign state shuttle diplomacy Security Council Secretary of State power politics passport pact nuncio minister plenipotentiary legation legate league of nations internuncio international relations international court of justice General Assembly foreign service foreign Office exequatur envoy entente emissary embassy dollar diplomacy diplomatic immunity diplomatic corps diplomat diplomacy detente detainee consul general consular agent consul charge d'affaires cartel cahier attache anschluss ambassador-at-large ambassador alliance apprentice Lieutenant Commander rear admiral Vice admiral fleet admiral airman first class private first class corporal staff sergeant technical sergeant Sergeant First Class first sergeant sergeant major second lieutenant first lieutenant Lieutenant Colonel brigadier general Major General lieutenant general weapons of mass destruction war zone vesicant stronghold stinkpot sternutation Star wars SDI sadarm redoubt poison gas paramilitary forces occupied nuclear weapons nonnuclear nerve gas mrv minefield medevac materiel maginot line landing force land-based laager intercontinental hunter h-hour half-track gunnery ground zero fort firepower fighter plane dmz demilitarized zone delivery system defoliate defensive D-Day cruise missile cross fire bivouac beaten beachhead battleground battlefront battlefield barrage balloon assault boat asm arms race personnel armored antitank air power airburst aam wia warpath war college vexillary unknown soldier uhlan tour of duty