Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
bad debt Automated Teller machine ATM arrears appraisal annuity amortization agio acquittance accrued interest account acceptance workingwoman wage earner Venture capitalist tradesman team player silent partner shopkeeper servant self-employed saleswoman sales representative sales rep rainmaker proprietor prole plutocrat player owner overseer office worker movers and shakers moneychanger migrant worker middle management middleman magnate jobber Jaycee intrapreneur industrialist importer help headhunter foreman financier exporter entrepreneur employer craftsman comptroller comprador chief executive officer chief financial officer chairman of the board CFO CEO captain of industry capitalist cao businesswoman businessman broker backer auctioneer assistant artisan yellow-dog workweek work stoppage workplace workingman white-collar walkout walk of life wage vocation unskilled labor union shop unionism union card unemployment compensation unemployed unemployable underemployed TUC trade union time and a half take-home pay sympathy strike swing shift sweetheart agreement sweatshop strikebreaker straight time starvation wages split shift specialty specialization social security number slowdown skilled sit-down strike shape-up severance pay serf semiskilled seasonal unemployment salary right-to-work rank and file profit sharing preferential shop pink slip piecework payroll payday paycheck overtime occupational hazard Night shift nlrb moonlighting minimum wage mediation manual labor lockout labor union layoff line of work labor force guild giveback general strike fringe benefit featherbedding earnings double time employable Day shift day job cost-of-living craft union compulsory situs collective bargaining codetermination closed shop ca'canny blue-collar base pay backsheesh agency shop vacation working working capital windfall underwrite undertaking undercapitalize trade association takeover take a bath sunset industry sunrise industry subcontract startup start-up spin-off sole proprietorship seed money receivership reinvest quality assurance public relations profit motive philanthropy petty cash perk pension fund partnership Parkinson's law operations research operating expenses number cruncher nonprofit Multinational corporation memo memorandum management lose one's shirt investment directorate industry incentive merger honorarium holding company headhunt grubstake growth ground floor go public goodwill golden parachute funding escalator clause enterprise endowment economize divesture diversification dealing dba cutback cut a check cottage industry cost-effective corporate consortium consolidation conglomerate concern cash flow cash cow capitalization buyout bottom line board of directors bonus big business belly up bankroll bailout assembly line incorporation ante Annual Review annual report amalgamation yard sale window-shop will-call wholesaler waybill voucher vendue vendor vending machine