Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
deputy councilor czar councilwoman councilman constituent congresswoman congressman commissar commander in chief civil servant civilian city manager city father citizen chief of state chief of staff chief justice chief executive chancellor chairwoman chairman caudillo burgomaster burgher burgess bureaucrat backbencher attorney general assemblywoman assemblyman appointee upper house think tank Supreme Court subcommittee steering committee statehouse standing committee Soviet shadow cabinet senate select committee secret service secretariat regulatory puppet province privy council parliament national assembly nation majlis lower house legislature legislative land office judiciary judicial interest group inner circle House of Representatives House of Commons house of lords Home Office hill grand duchy corporation folkmoot federation executive branch exchequer emirate duma district of columbia transportation treasury department of labor Department of Justice Human Services health education defense Department of Commerce department of agriculture department congressional conference confederation commune committee of the whole committee commissariat civil service city council Chamber of Deputies Capitol Hill capitol canton bureaucracy bureau bundestag brain trust supervisor alderman agency administration world federalism welfare state unitary unicameral tyranny triumvirate town meeting totalitarianism timocracy theocracy thearchy technocracy stratocracy statism social contract separation of powers self-rule self-government Republicanism republic representative regime regency provisional principality presidential sovereignty police state pluralism paternalism participatory pantisocracy one-man oligarchy officialism ochlocracy neocolonialism nationalism monarchism mobocracy monocracy militarism meritocracy mayor martial law local government kingdom isocracy home rule hierocracy hagiocracy gynecocracy governance feudalism federalism federal government fascism dyarchy duumvirate duarchy dominion divine right dirigisme despotism democratism decentralization manager constitutional monarchy constitutional commonwealth common law colonialism collective coalition government civil liberty government city-state checks and balances centralization centralism caretaker government caliphate bicameral dictatorship autonomy autocracy authoritarianism autarky autarchy aristocracy absolutism absolute monarchy zoning wharf water supply waterfront warren walk-up urban sprawl renewal planning urban truss bridge tramcar town hall tenement house suspension bridge superblock straphanger storefront sound pollution slum skid row shopping mall shopping center sewer residential rapid transit public transportation project pontoon bridge playground pissoir piazza off-hour noise pollution municipal minimal marina lift bridge landfill kasbah interurban housing project housing estate housing development high rise greenbelt forum footbridge fairground factory esplanade